Monday, May 18, 2009


Last night I met a friend that I had not seen in many years. After just packing up my Crepe booth at University District Street Fair in Seattle Washington, where I have lived since 1998. I was covered in Crepe batter as usual, meeting this friend who incidentally bought my house before moving out here from Sarasota Florida. Last I knew she was as attorney. Wrong. She is now a food blogger and was at Boka's in downtown Seattle with other bloggers. And of course the CEO of Foodista. Silly me recieved his card and had nooooo clue until I arrived home after about 50 cups of wonderful dark roasted Seattle coffee. I had all night to ponder on that of course. No sleep for me. I suppose if you have to meet a friend that you just have not seen in years, always wanting to look the same as you did 15 years back and you are the Crepe Lady. Covered in Batter? Not such a bad thing.
This is what got me to thinking during my very long night. Food blogging I could do that. I now know how to turn on the computer so why not. So now you will be able to take the journey with me. I feel it will be slow, fun, slow, arduous, fun and now there will be a way to follow The Crepe lady. Where she is. At What Festival and if one choses to find her for your next Crepe party, Crepe shower, bridal or baby and even wedding. My one crepe girl is now a pastry chef and the most amazing baker. My 50th birthday cake. Wow! My Pink and gold tiered cake with a handmade rendition of myself in white chocolate looking much more like Marilyn Monroe than The Crepe lady ever could covered in batter.
Now the crepe girls and myself are gearing up for Northwest Folklife at the Seattle Center. The Largest Free Festival in the world. Please come and join us. What Fun.

1 comment:

  1. You did such a great job with this, Annie! Much better than my first attempt. Kudos to you for joining the blogoshere!

    It was so great to get together with you the other night! You look so fabulous, with or without crepe batter, which by the way, I didn't notice at all.

    I'm going to email you soon with a list of some great food blogs to get you started with your networking. Please feel free to call on me with any questions you may have.
